Category: Senior Citizens

Can Medicaid Also Help Pay For Prescription Medication?

By estate planning and elder law attorney Rick Law of the Estate Planning Center at Law Elder Law, located in Aurora, IL. One problem commonly encountered when someone needs to apply for nursing home Medicaid assistance is that many people have not signed up for Medicare Part D at its inception. It’s often the case that the […]

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Medicare Medical Insurance

By Rick Law of Law Elder Law in Aurora, IL  Serving seniors in Western Chicagoland with estate planning, asset protection, retirement income, and elder law.   Anyone who is eligible for free Medicare hospital insurance (Part A) can enroll in Medicare medical insurance (Part B) by paying a monthly premium. An individual who is not […]

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Medicare & You

By Rick Law of the Estate Planning Center at Law Elder Law in West suburban Kane County in Illinois. As I’ve discussed in the past, Medicare is concerned about care only as long as a person can get well. There are a few exceptions to that, due to political lobbies that were strong enough to make […]

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The Pieces of the Medicare Puzzle

By Rick Law, Estate Planning and Asset Protection attorney at the Estate Planning Center of Law Elder Law, just outside Chicago in Aurora, IL There are four parts of Medicare coverage: hospital insurance, medical insurance, Medicare advantage plans, and Medicare prescription drug plans, all with their own eligibility requirements. Hospital Insurance (Part A) – According […]

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How Technology Can Help Your Loved One’s Caregiving Needs

 By Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorney Rick Law, of the Estate Planning Center at Law Elder Law LLP Let me introduce you to Scott Ewing, chief operating officer at the Oaks – a United Methodist Continuous Care Retirement Community located in Orangeburg South Carolina, just inland from Charleston. The Oaks plays host to some […]

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Guardianship to the Rescue: When Everything Else Has Failed

By Rick Law. Estate Planning Attorney and Senior Advocate at the Estate Planning Center of Law Elder Law just outside Chicago, Illinois. There may come a time when your loved one can no longer properly handle their personal and/or financial affairs. Nonetheless, they can be extraordinarily angry and combative when honest, reliable, and loving family members try to intercede […]

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There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills! Retirement Investing & Commodities for Seniors

I am a nonstop student of investing and investments. Almost every day I read both the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily. I’m also a fan of Porter Stansberry, Dr. Steven Sjuggerud, Dr. David Eifrig Jr. and their investment newsletters. I regularly check the interplay of various currencies compared to the U.S. dollar. It […]

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Seniors in Love…….

In the Disney classic movie Bambi, when spring arrives, the adolescent Bambi notices that all of his male friends are becoming enchanted by young females of the same species.  When Bambi asks the wise old owl what is wrong with them, he is gruffly told, “They are twitterpated!”   As an attorney serving seniors and […]

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Protecting Vulnerable Seniors

Due to the recent sensationalism of the Mickey Rooney case, we were asked by a reporter with the Wall Street Journal to provide anecdotal stories for an article about how to protect vulnerable seniors from financial abuse.  The key focus was, specifically, to examine the misuse of financial powers of attorney by trusted persons.  Our […]

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Navigating Political Rapids! (or why I have been paddling and not blogging!)

“Legislators Block Proposed Illinois Nursing Home Medicaid Rules”—that was this morning’s newspaper headline in our state capital.  That headline would not have happened except for major efforts on the part of our legal/political/lobbying team. Here is a little background:  Last year, I needed to take a break from blogging so we could create a team […]

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Our Reviews

“We would be lost without Law Elder Law! We walked in their doors over a year ago feeling lost and confused. With a father/father-in-law suffering from Alzheimer’s, we were overwhelmed by the Medicaid process, selling his home, protecting the assets he worked for his entire life, and finding him a memory-care facility that we could trust as his new home. 

Law Elder Law helped with all of it! From the minute we walked out of our first meeting, we knew we (and he) were in good hands. We could not have possibly navigated all that had to be done without their expertise.”

A.M., Client of Law Hesselbaum and Law Elder Law